Bite-size information for every business owner
All about Branding, business, career changes, and the power of transferable skills.
Quick bites of information
How to articulate your offer in a way that captivates your audience
How to identify the right tone of voice for your business
The n.1 exercise to help you identify your ideal career path
The power of transferable skills
The right frame of mind to embark on a career change
Videos by Honed Films
thoughts on business, branding & Strategy
Business lessons I learned in london
The past 5+ years in London have been a masterclass in business education. As I unpack my experiences, here are the standout lessons I've picked up along the way.
Business plan x brand strategy
Business Plan vs. Brand Strategy. The differences and why you need both to build a business that lasts.
The Impact of a Clear Brand Strategy on Brand Loyalty
How having a clear brand strategy is key to developing brand loyalty.
5 key branding Insights from top entrepreneurs
5 key Branding insights from top entrepreneurs
Video Blog: How to find the right tone of voice for your brand
4 tips to identify and build the right tone of voice to address your audience.
Personal vs. Business Branding: Which Strategy Is Right for Your Business?
When it comes to building a brand, should you focus on personal branding, or should you prioritize building a brand for your business?
The Power of a Good Business Brand Strategy
The power of a solid brand strategy for your short, mid and long-term business plans.
Does brand strategy actually work?
Does brand strategy actually work? A quick read on how brand strategy can help you reach 5 pillars of business success.
How much should you pay for a logo?
How much should you pay for a logo? What value does it add to your business?